Saturday, March 14, 2009

Camille's Borsht


SUBMITTED BY: Camille Craw

1/2 to 3/4 Head of Cabbage

1 Can of String Beets

1 to 2 Medium Carrots

3/4 to 1 Medium Onion

1/3 C Tomato Sauce

1/8 C Flour

1/8 Cup Vinegar

1 Bay Leaf

1 to 2 Large Cloves of Garlic

Chicken Bouillon

Salt and Pepper

Plenty of Vegetable Oil

Cut onions into strips and shred carrots on a cheese grater. Sautee the onions and carrots together

in some oil until cooked through.

While your onions and carrots are cooking, make 6-8 cups of chicken stock using your bouillon

depending on how thick you want the borsh (I usually use about 6 1/2).

Shred your cabbage cabbage with a knife and cook it in the chicken stock for about 15 minutes.

Combine your beets, vinegar and tomato sauce in a small pan and warm them, mixing well.

Put your 1/8 cup of flour in a pan and heat it slightly with some oil. Then add hot stock to it to thin

it out until it's soupy.

When all the above is done combine everything in the pan of cabbage and chicken stock.

Crush your garlic into the mix, salt and pepper, add your bay leaf and put it in the flour/oil mix you

just made. Let it all simmer for 10-15 minutes. You should also let it sit a little after that (they

recommend 1/2 hour).

It is a tradition to put a dollop of sour cream in your bowl with the borsh, but it's up to you.

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