Saturday, December 29, 2007

Meri Coash's Crustless Quiche

Here's the recipe for my crustless quiche:

5 eggs

1 1/2 c. heavy cream (but you could probably use something less fat if you wanted to)

Then the rest is left to your imagination.

Today I sauted broccoli and mushrooms (fix more than you think you will need because they shrink when you saute them) in garlic-seasoned olive oil. And for one I used Mediterranean-seasoned feta cheese (crumbled) and for the other one Provencial-seasoned feta cheese (crumbled).

Different options to add: crumbled bacon, cut-up ham, sausage, chopped onion

Another one I've made is adding a can of chopped green chilies and jack-colby shredded cheese.

I use a convection setting on my oven and bake it for 10 minutes at 400, then reduce heat to 350 for maybe 20 minutes??? I didn't even use a timer. I'm just lucky, I guess, they didn't overcook. Anyway, keep an eye on it, and when a knife stuck in the middle comes out "clean," it's done.

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